

Today is Canadian Thanksgiving. I hadn’t planned on writing a post, but I was inspired last night before falling asleep.

My post the other night about my ex was resolved yesterday afternoon after we texted and I got her to open up to me and be honest. After hearing her feelings for me, and expressing my own for her, we’re now on the same page. And we both agree that in the long run, we’d rather have each other as friends.

I’m so thankful that our friendship isn’t over and we’ll be able to move past this. In the long run our relationship will be even stronger, and we’ll mean more to each other.

I’m thankful for living in a country which validates my basic human rights. The right to vote on October 19, the right to marry someone of my same sex and or gender, the right to employment without wrongful discrimination. I love my country.

Beyond that, I’m thankful to be living in the city of my dreams. Here I got an education that will take me further into my career. I’m thankful for the teachers who pushed me to my potential and encourage me to take it farther each time I write. I can’t wait to see what I can do with writing in Vancouver.

I’m thankful to have the greatest roommate ever. I didn’t expect to find someone who understands, respects, and loves me when I’m crazy. We share a love of TV, being cynical idiots together, and running to the store for ice cream. She single handedly saved my life and called for paramedics when a plate broke and sliced open my hand and left me bleeding out on the floor (even though she was the one who cracked the plate in the first place).

I’m thankful for my family’s love and support. Not only for the gender stuff, but for knowing that my family truly believes in my ability to write and knows I’ll do something great with it.

I met brilliant people in school, and I continue to meet so many people who amaze and surprise me. I’m thankful for new friends I’ve made here, and old friends back home. Best friends I text on the constant, new relationships with cousins, and friends I haven’t seen in a while.

I’m thankful for the life I have and for being given a new day to breathe and live.

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving, Everyone!

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